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Conservation Minutes, May 13, 2014

Called to Order at 7:00 PM under M.G.L. c 131, §40 and the Hanson By-Law 3-13, §5 and Rules and Regulations by John Kemmett, Chairman, in Meeting Room A at the Town Hall.
Present:                   John Kemmett, Chairman
   John Murray, Clerk
                          Frank Schellenger, Vice Chairman  
                           Phil Clemons, Associate Member
Absent:            David Harris, Member
Also Present:              Laurie Muncy, Agent
  Rebecca Nehiley, Administrative Assistant                         

        Motion to approve minutes of April 22, 2014:   John Murray
        Second:   Frank Schellenger
        Vote:  3-0-0

Public Hearings

7:00 PM  Continued Notice of Intent for the installation of an in-ground swimming pool, cabana, concrete decking, and retaining wall within 100 feet of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland at 97 Bonney Hill Lane, Map 56, Lot 108 for Dennis J. McDonald represented by Nover-Armstrong Assoc., Inc., 124 Main Street, Unit 2GG, Carver, MA  02330 (DEP #SE175-0644)   

        Motion to continue hearing until May 27, 2014 at 7:45 PM:  John Murray
        Second:  Frank Schellenger
        Vote:  3-0-0

7:15 PM  Notice of Intent for the re-construction of a single family home with appurtenances within 100 feet of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland and within the Riverfront area at 683 Winter Street, Map 106, Lot 6A for David Tammaro represented by Environmental Consulting & Restoration, Inc., P.O. Box 1319, Plymouth, MA  02362.  (DEP #SE175-0645)  (New Hearing)

        Mr. Kemmett read the Public Hearing Notice and the abutters were verified.  Mr. Brad Holmes, P.W.S. made the presentation for a proposal to demolish a “dilapidated” single family house and reconstruct a new one.  He submitted a site plan dated 5/9/14.  Also to be removed and disposed of are an existing deck, a shed and an old screen house that is located in the resource area.  Mr. Holmes stated that the lot is surrounded by Bordering Vegetated Wetland and because it hasn’t been maintained, the wetland is reclaiming the site. Mr. Holmes commented that there is an unnamed perennial stream on either side of Winter Street putting the area of construction within the 100’ riparian zone.  Because this was a previously developed and degraded area, the proposed project constitutes a Redevelopment Project (310 CMR 10.58 (5).  
        The proposed plan calls for the construction of a new single family house further away from the wetland than the existing, a deck, a new shed and a post and rail fence.  Mr. Holmes added that there will be general lawn and landscape improvements including the removal of Multi-Flora Rose, an invasive species and planting of native wetland species.  A Construction Sequence and a methodology for removal of the Non-native plants are depicted on the Plan.
        Mr. Schellenger asked if a Functions and Characteristics Statement was prepared.  Mr. David Tammaro, the applicant, answered yes and provided copies to the Commission.  Mr. Schellenger also asked about the septic system.  Mr. Tammaro said that it was existing and had been recently constructed.  He added that the previous owners had extended the yard into the wetland and were mowing it.  His intention was to make a distinction between the yard and the BVW by installing a split rail fence.  He had removed a wire fence that was preventing wildlife migration.  
        The Commission asked that Mr. Tammaro move the post and rail fence forward 15’ from WF 13 and 10’ behind the proposed shed.  Also, they requested that the proposed native species plantings be done in the area from WF 4 to WF 6 next to the proposed driveway.

        Motion to approve a variance from the 50’ No Build setback:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote: 3-0-0

        Motion to approve an Order of Conditions with 2 Special Conditions as discussed:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote:  3-0-0  


Smitty’s Bog update/meeting with Irene Winkler

        Ms. Muncy reported that Ron San Angelo, Town Administrator had signed all of the updated Compatible Use Agreements (CUA’s) which will be scanned in and copies made for the Selectmen’s office.  She and Ron will be working on the Request for Proposals for the removal of the water control structures and the invasive species control after she researches the prevailing wages for those particular jobs.
        Of note, the USDA has reduced the amount the Town will be getting for reimbursement to $106,000, presumably because of revisions to the Plan.  Also, Ms. Muncy commented that the Town is to be held responsible for the estimated cost ($5,500) of breaching the dyke for Katydid Lane.   She suggested that an Article be drafted for October Town Meeting or that she speak with Bob Brown, Highway Supervisor about using Stormwater Management monies.  Mr. Kemmett was of the opinion that the Drainage Committee should be more involved in Stormwater Management issues and the Conservation should have a delegate on the Committee.   
        Additionally, Ms. Muncy reported that Smitty’s Bog and the Fisherman’s Landing have been “phenomenally clean” the last two times she has inspected.  She has spoken with the Police Chief who says they have caught kids drinking there and reprimanded them for same.  
        Mr. Clemons commented that he would be happy to help Laurie and Ron with the Request for Proposals.   Laurie said the she will have draft RFP’s ready in about 2-3 weeks at which time they’ll be ready for review.  Phil added that he and Dave Harris had looked at the issue of relocating the gate closer to where it belongs.  Ms. Winkler was okay with that.  

1101 Main Street
        Mr. Harris was not at the meeting to speak to this issue, but Mr. Kemmett mentioned that he had heard rumors that someone was living in the shed on the property.  Ms. Muncy said she would refer it to the Zoning Enforcement Officer.

Carolyn Ready Conservation Area
        Ms. Nehiley commented that she had found a file in the office regarding hunting on Conservation properties and a Press Release written by Janine Delaney in 2006.  Mr. Kemmett asked that everyone be sent a copy.  Mr. Clemons added that he and Dave Harris had not scheduled a time to remove the deer stand.  Mr. Kemmett suggested that before doing that, post a  note to the deer stand asking that whoever owns it to dismantle it and give them a deadline.

Open Space

        Mr. Clemons reported that as of today, the phragmites removal at Camp Kiwanee has commenced.  Mr. Dan McHugh of New England Wetlands, Inc. and two of his staff had arrived this morning and bundled up phragmites into their truck to transport offsite for composting.  They have two to three more days of work before Phase I is complete.  In mid to late June, they’ll be back to treat the exposed stems with an herbicide.  
        As for the Stone property, Mr. Clemons said a question of two minute parcels keep coming up in the title process even though they were covered and discussed last September.  Therefore, Town Council could not produce clear title.  Realworth Appraisal and Consulting was conscripted to produce a reappraisal excluding the small strip of land on Holmes Street from the value of the purchase. Mr. Clemons said that the bottom line was that it doesn’t affect the original appraisal.  Town Counsel and Mr. Clemons presented this new information to the Grant agency who said it won’t affect the Grant.  The Selectmen have to agree that everything is appropriate at their meeting next Tuesday night at which time Jonathan Eichmann of Kopelman and Paige expects them to address it.  Mr. Clemons will attend the meeting.

Old Business/New Business

Partial Certificate of Compliance for Lakeside Road, Map 79, Lot 88 for Lori Earner (DEP #SE175-0395)  -  signed
WB Mason/Invoice – signed
Ben Meadows/Invoice – signed
Northern Woodlands subscription/Invoice –   signed
Realworth Appraising & Consulting/Invoice – signed


        Motion to adjourn at 8:00 PM:   John Murray
        Second:  Frank Schellenger
        Vote:  3-0-0